Saturday, November 10, 2012

How To Work at Home With a Toddler ebook

I starred working at home when my kids were little.  Some day it was tough balancing motherhood and workload!  I wish I had this book when I had toddlers. 

How To Work at Home With a Toddler  is a great book for the mother who is contemplating the idea of starting a home based business and wanting to feel that the children are still going to get the attention they deserve. This is also great for the mom  who is already working at home and needing to get a handle on the situation in dealing with a career while raising children at the same time..  I  love the way that Theresa Lepiane is able to outline a program to bring a sense of calmness through being organized and setting boundaries.

This is what this book is about, to teach these skills in an easy to follow and understand manner. I really appreciate the ways in which she shows how to create a effective work space within the home while maintaining the integrity of the home for the kids .

What makes this book work is its no non-sense approach is it  takes with the  "matter of fact common sense" methods. Her ability to break this down into such simple steps will leave you wondering why you didn't have this book sooner.

A great book that every mom (or dad) working at home can benefit from, even the seasoned veteran could pick up a few pointers in this book. Thank you Theresa Lepiane for the definitive book for working at home with toddlers.

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