Texting is, in essence, getting paid to chat. This is a service that is provided largely in the UK where contractors chat from your computer to customers that are using their cell phones to presumably chat with other customers like them (which is actually the contractor). This work can be adult in nature, so please keep that in mind. If a company does not have a website listed and you want to apply, you would just send an email expressing your interest to the follow addresses. Due to the nature of the business, most companies prefer that their services not be discussed and that is something that we respect.
There is a message board, SexInTheCyber, that you can join for more information. You do have to be referred by a member in good standing.
Stream Texting - email: donnabailey@streamgroup.co.uk
Evoke Chat - email: Jo@evokechat.co.uk
EPL - email: wannabe@eplschedule.co.ukLST - email: info@livesextext.com
Text121 - email: text121chat@msn.com
Box-69 - visit their website to apply
Non adult texting job
Internet guide wanted ChaCha service that allows users to ask questions and receive answers via text message They are currently looking for guides to work on their computer to help infoseekers.