Saturday, August 07, 2021

How to get started with writing a book

 If you have ever thought of writing a book you will want to check out this podcast to see if it for you.  This might be directed as non fiction self help business type of book but if you have romance or childrens book check this out with best selling author Gabby  Bernstein 

Get ready to access behind the scenes tips for book writing success. If you’re considering writing a book - whether it’s through traditional publishing or self-publishing -

How to overcome the dreaded writer’s block

The first is that you must, must, must, must have a core message. You and I have worked on this. We really dialed yours down for your book. And I'm real—I'm a boss b-i-t-you-know-what when it comes to core message, because I won't stand for someone not being grounded in what their book is about. You know when someone asks you, like, you said this, like, when someone says, like, “What's your course about?” And you’re like, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, and you just aren't grounded in it? It’s the same thing with a book because someone says, “What's your book about?” and you’re like, “Well, it's about the esoteric changes in my inner landscape.” And it's like, shut the f up. What are you—? And then it makes the person that's talking uncomfortable, it makes the person that's listening feel uncomfortable because, like, “I have no idea what you just said.” So it's all about boiling it down, boiling it down.  

How to get started with writing a book

Ways to think about turning your digital course into a book (it can be done!)

Write a book proposal no matter if you are self-publishing or going down the traditional path

The only thing you need to prioritize to write a bestselling book

The biggest mistake most writers make, and how to avoid it

The #1 reason you’re blocking your bestselling book, and how to fix it

My secret method for marketing your book so it’s widely read

Tips for self publishing 

The self-publishing path is epic. I highly recommend the self-publishing path. What I often say is don't wait to be picked. If you are not getting feedback from an agent, when you're not getting any feedback from a publisher, okay, whatever. Their loss. Go self-publish. The beautiful thing about self-publishing is that once you go sell a bunch of books and your self-published book, you can then sell it to a publisher.  

Meet Gabby  

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