Monday, August 10, 2020

July 2020 Side Hustlers Income Reports

I love when side hustles share their income especially when they are getting out of debt!  There is a way to make extra money each money when you are hustling! 

Here are Dave Ramsey side hustlers that are working to get out of debt and work on financial peace!  They have shared their journeys in our facebook group!   

Amanda T 

Even though I knew July was going to be a slower month for income, it was hard to write down these numbers. I worked more hours outside the home, so I had less time to put into my other side gigs. We also took vacations which meant less time to work in general. I decided early in July to put less money towards our debt because I knew we would be incurring lots of back to school expenses. Even though we home school, I typically spend a few hundred dollars buying curriculum, supplies, etc. so I wanted to have the extra money for that.

I paid down $306.11 towards my debt, and even though that's way less than I would have wanted, I still funded my emergency fund , bought all school supplies without using a credit card, and did all vacation stuff without using a credit card.  


I've seen a couple people do this and finally decided to start keeping track. It's very helpful to see that the extra work really does add up when you're doing that extra work.
As far as my extra income....
I think you start seeing some of the stuff in your house differently when you realize that:
1. Everything that's in there that you don't need, you still have to clean.
2. You could make money off it!!
I sell my stuff VERY cheap on Marketplace so I can get rid of it. I'm tired of all the STUFF.
I JUST started my travel business online after a long time dreaming about it. I'm really hoping for more income from that once I learn more about the business but I was pleasantly surprised by any income this early starting.
Senegence is direct sales and the summer months are always a little tougher and when you combine in Covid...🤷‍♀️ But extra is extra, right?
My big extra money came from extra shifts at my job. I love that extra money but it is time away from my kids which is why I eventually hope for more from my travel business.
ANYWAYS! I would encourage anyone who is putting in extra time to earn more to right it down. It is encouraging to see that the time you put in does amount to something! For me personally it's now like a goal to beat for next month!!

July was good as far as side hustle income effort. It was better to Tiffany than too Andrew. Both did really well. But Tiffany did better. Andrew needs to step up the Door Dash game.

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