Sunday, October 11, 2020

September 2020 Side Hustlers Income Reports

  I love when side hustlers share their income especially when they are getting out of debt!  There is a way to make extra money each month when you are hustling! 

Here are Dave Ramsey side hustlers that are working to get out of debt and work on financial peace!  They have shared their journeys in our facebook group!   

Amanda T 

Side Hustle income for September. Qkids is teaching English online . R+F is my direct sales business. I worked so much at my church that I really didn't have time for extra work on my usual things like Mturk. Mystery shopping places haven't picked up since covid hit, which sucks.


I'm on top of it this month! When you're doing all the "extra" work, it makes it much easier to get through it when you're writing it down and seeing that it is fruitful!

Marketplace: I REALLY cleared out some closets this past month. Like I say every month, the less you have, the less you have to clean. If you're not using it, get rid of it.

Extra Shifts: This is just working extra shifts at my traditional "9-5".

We are back over $3K in side hustle income!!!!! This has been tough. Andrew was worried about this month. Door Dash has been very slow and many nights were not that great. Tiffany's business continues to grow and generate income. We are continuing on and paying down the larger debts.

Andrew works Doordash  at 25 hours per week. I do four hours on Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday nights. Friday and Saturday are 6.5 hour nights.

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